Questionnaire Design – Week 7

This week we are using the Steps to Prepare a Questionnaire for our restaurant research project. There are two videos this week. The first reviews Week 7 activities and assignments. The second video in this post will discuss the Steps to Prepare a Questionnaire. Specify what information will be sought Determine method of administration Determine…

Asking Good Questions – Week 6

Marketers measure qualities that most do not think of in terms of measurement Attributes of a product Satisfaction with a service or product Likelihood of a behavior Predicting the next behavior Rules for assigning numbers to objects to represent quantities of attributes Measure the ATTRIBUTES of an object – NOT measuring the object Definition is…

Primary Data Collection – Wk 5

This week we are starting to talk about collecting Primary data. Primary data includes: Demographics/Socioeconomic – age, education, occupation, marital status, gender, and income Personality/Lifestyle – Personality refers to the normal patterns of behavior exhibited by an individual including attributes, traits, and mannerisms Attitudes – An individual’s overall evaluation of something, what they think or how much they…